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Aimed primarily at professional tandem pilots and leisure tandem pilots who have bulkier gear.
  • Product description

    Aimed primarily at professional tandem pilots and leisure tandem pilots who have bulkier gear or wish to pack quickly and roughly for a fast flight turnaround time.

    BI PRO has more volume than EYRIE 2 XL and its specifically designed „floating lid“ system enables a large amount of vertical expansion or compression. BI PRO can also be compressed or expanded via the side compression straps. BI PRO remains light and flexible in order to pack down to a reasonable size for in flight storage.

    Main distinctive features:

    • versatile size expansion & compression in all dimensions
    • compact and easily foldable
    • fastpack time
    • will easily accommodate larger harness and reserve setups
  • Materials
  • R&D comments

    There are two types of Tandem pilots. Those that fly commercially and those that fly for leisure with friends and family. BI PRO was designed to enable the pro pilot to pack his gear very quickly and easily without having to pay too much time or attention to pack size. It will accommodate a larger passenger moose harness and pilot harness with ease.

    Leisure pilots who fly with TWIN and Gii 2 front will have optimum pack size when using EYRIE XL which also offers improved hike and fly characteristics. Of course, BI PRO remains an option for leisure pilots who have bulkier gear and wish to have a larger bag volume.

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